It is so cold and windy today a good day to stay in with a hot cup of coffee and work on dolls.This is the time of the year I love the most.The leaves are turning and starting to look so pretty.I'd like to start putting some decorations up by this weekend.Just seems like there's not enough time in a day to get everything done.
A cat thats been living under our house (she adopted us).Had 5 kittens and Ibrought them in and have been taking care of them.We are trying to find them a home.They are adorable and so playfull.I'd like to keep them but can't keep all.We are keeping the cream colored one.He's the odd ball of the bunch.
They are so comical and playfull.our little dog would chase them around playing with them.Now they turned it around and chase him they have a ball.We do too just watching them.I have a friend thats trying to help find homes for them.I sure hope she can cause they would be so much enjoyment for some one and deserve a good home.