I am sorry I hav'nt posted before this but Aug.has been an awful month for me.Mostly the heat I just can't take it like I use to.It seems I am not alone in this others have said the samething so I don't feel to bad about it.
This is my favorite time of the year even into winter when all the snow is blowing you won't hear me complainning at all.It's cooling off and now you can see the shadows of fall.Soon the leaves will be turning and the mountains around here are beautiful.
I have a couple dolls finished that I will be listing on ebay soon.They are the ones I dyed the wool for and love how nice it came out.
First is the black I did into a bun......

I hope to get these listed soon so I can get on to others I have dancing in my head....Have a great day and I'll be posting more now that things are getting back to normal......
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