It was cold and wind was blowing felt like it could snow any time.I really felt liked making a homemade pie.Instead of the apples from a can and crust you just roll out from the frig.So hubby and I went to the fruit market and bought some apples.He helped peel and core while I made the pie dough.Hate to say how long it's been since I did this, but it's been at least 30 years.Wow that sounds awful can't believe how fast time has gone by.I've also make the salt dough pies and they looked good enough to eat.Can you tell the difference from the pics?Yes I know you can.The fakes look better lol.I forgot to brush the tops so they would brown,but they sure did taste good.
Today I am going to do some sewing.I cut out a snowman or woman yesterday.It's sewed up and ready for stuffing .Thats when it will start speaking to me what it wants to be.I'll post some pics when I know more.
Have a great day...............Diane