It seens like Christmas always comes and goes so fast.I was so glad this year we had a white Christmas that just seems to top it off for me.I did'nt get much of my baking done before but I still am going to do it.Thought I'd share a few pics of my favorite decorations.My crochet mouse family my mom made me years ago I have to say is my favorites of all...

Same family just could'nt make up my mind where I wanted them.

My moving Nativity...

Heres the pic of Santa looking out the window as it was snowing...

Oh and here he finally got to the back lol...
Well thats all for now hope you enjoyed the pics.I am off to look at the pics on the other blogs.I really enjoy looking and reading what everyone else is doing...Wishing everyone a really HAPPY NEW YEAR and God bless.....................Diane