After we lost our furbaby(Sassy) in April I did'nt want to get any more.She was with us for 11 years she was way more then a dog.I have had dogs all my life and it was painful when they passed but with her it was so much more.She was my shadow...................

My granddaughter and her boyfriend broke up.They had made a lot of plans and looked like they would be getting married after college but it did'nt work out.So she gets the idea of getting a puppy.She goes to the pet shop and buys this little fellow for $850. and all the extras bowls,toys,brushes,collar and leash,special food ,shampoo a cage and more.After a couple weeks she realized it was a mistake.She goes to college has full time job and a busy social life.One evening she asked if we would doggie sit.Well needless to say we were hooked and when she came in and asked us if we would keep him of course we said yes.He is such a baby and playful.He's very smart after only 2 days he was going to the door to go outside and do his business.

Now who could turn this down ???? LOL I know my granddaugther misses him but she knew he would be well taken care of with us.His name is Tyson like the boxer that liked to bite ears .Hopfully he'll grow out of that lol.

Our son Jordan and Tyson playing in the yard.
Just wanted to share hope you all have a great day !!!!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwww... he is so cute!!!
Teresa,forgive me for now answering sooner.I just saw your comment..Thank you so much he's really a live wire.He looks so innocent but he's looks can fool you lol....Thanks again Diane