I can't believe how fast time flies,I hoped to have some pics of a few of the dolls I have been working on,but I did'nt get them finished yet.I have been jumping all over the place.Made a witch hat the first I ever made.I think it looks pretty good just hav'nt figured what I am going to do with the bow so pinned it on till I make up my mind.Soon as I get her done I'll post pics of my 1st witch...
Then I cut out a little mouse I love them,but don't know if I can handle working with such small pieces.
I think he's cute so far.I pinned the pieces together to show you,but before I sew him all together I think I am going to put wire in his arms and tail to make him more posable....

I've also been thinking about doing some frogs maybe some cats too.My mind just won't settle down enough to get anything totally done is this related to spring fever????? I don't like having all these unfinished projects waiting on me.I also have 3 other dolls just needing a little finishing touches to them too.I think I'd better stop here and get to finishing these all up.Boy by writing this all down I am starting to feel so overwhelmed and thats when I get myself into trouble.So as I get them finished I'll post the pics....Then I'll move on to my next little character....So guess I better get started and get something finished.Have a great day.........