This was so much fun and not as hard as I thought it would be.Boy if I can get this I could make all kind of style hats.I have a few pics for you to see and then I will take a pic of what it looks like finished.
I used a piece of felt I had and thinned some glue with water.If you do this be sure your glue will dry clear.I would have used Modge Podge but could'nt find it and did'nt want to run clear to town.I'd use this again cause I think it came out fine with just the glue and water.Then I found a bowl about the size I wanted to fit top of my dolls head.I gave it a couple coats and let dry in between coats.It came out really stiff...By the way cover the bowl with plastic wrap or the felt will stick to it.......

After it was good and dry I trimmed it off.Now to the fun part decorating it.I will have to take more pics this evening so you see how it turned out.I'llpost them tonight or tomorrow..

Have a great day and if you care to share any ideas I'd love hearing from you........