Angel Feather
I am an angel feather sent from up above,
to serve as a reminder of His most gracious love.
I'm from your Guardian Angel that God assigned to you,
it fell out in her struggle as she protected you.
Each time you almost stumble each time you almost fall,
thank God and all His Angels for answering your call.
If you'd like to see more pics of her look here..
I have a lot to do today going to try and find a template for my ebay.I just have such a hard time doing the online stuff.If I could just get the hang of it things would be so much easier for me.I have been selling dolls for a long time at shows and had a shop until my husbands accident,but doing it online is a whole new thing and hard for me to catch on to,but i'll keep trying...
Have a great day everyone.....
es realmente bello !!!cariños desde San Juan Argentina.countrymarcela.blogspot.com----marcelapatriciam@hotmail.com