Sunday, June 28, 2009

I love you Mom thank you...

From this...................

To this.............

Those words made it worth all the aches and pains and blisters lol.Just watching him in the water having fun made it all worth whiled.Plus knowing it was finished and I did'nt have to get up the next day facing it lol.We did have a problem with the well when we first tried filling it.The well shut off and we did'nt have water for a couple days,but the well guys came out and showed my DH that the problem was in the box some kind of safety thing.We thanked the Lord for that we thought it was going to cost us a lot of money to fix it.We've had so much trouble with it since we had the well put in.
So most of my outside projects are done.I would like to put up an old water pump we have out at the pond.Then I can start doing my dolls again.I have lots of ideas and can't wait to get started.It is hard in the summer especially when you have kids.They always have things they want to do.Jordan has 1 boy around here he plays with but his mom and dad arn't together so half the time he's at his dads.I hate seeing him by his self so my DH and I try doing things with him.He plays video games but I don't like seeing him sit at that all day either.We are getting fishing licenses so we can take him fishing.He loves fishing but don't want to eat them.He throws them back in which is fine with me.
Well all for now God bless and I'll get better at posting now that I am getting caught up around here............Have a great day !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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