It is so cold and windy today a good day to stay in with a hot cup of coffee and work on dolls.This is the time of the year I love the most.The leaves are turning and starting to look so pretty.I'd like to start putting some decorations up by this weekend.Just seems like there's not enough time in a day to get everything done.
A cat thats been living under our house (she adopted us).Had 5 kittens and Ibrought them in and have been taking care of them.We are trying to find them a home.They are adorable and so playfull.I'd like to keep them but can't keep all.We are keeping the cream colored one.He's the odd ball of the bunch.
They are so comical and playfull.our little dog would chase them around playing with them.Now they turned it around and chase him they have a ball.We do too just watching them.I have a friend thats trying to help find homes for them.I sure hope she can cause they would be so much enjoyment for some one and deserve a good home.
I hope to get these listed soon so I can get on to others I have dancing in my head....Have a great day and I'll be posting more now that things are getting back to normal......
The one on the left is after and the one on the right is before.....
I still have boxes I am unpacking 1 year after we moved.I came across a doll I had started long ago.I did'nt like how I had done it before so took all the stitches out and redid her face just to see if I could do it better.She turned out kinda cute.If you look close you can see where I moved her nose and mouth stitches,but thats ok shes my practice doll... I don't know if it's the heat or what but I just can't seem to settle down and just finish some of the things I have to finish up.I keep jumping from one thing to another which makes me feel like I am not getting anywhere.I don't know if anyone else gets like this or not but I don't like it.Hopefully next time I post things will be calmer here and I will find myself lol....
Have a great weekend.............................
Well all for now I need to get busy with her she is being so demanding lol.I am hoping to get her makeup and clothing done today.Hopfully by then she'll know what hair style she wants and I'll be able to finish her this week. God bless..................
DH has to get the sand Monday they were closed today.Hopefully Jordan will be able to start using it next week..............
I have so many things I want to do but just not enough time.I have all these dolls going through my head and dying to get started on them.So that helps me push myself to get this stuff done lol...........have a great and safe weekend.............
We have the dirt around,but have to add the waterfall.We should have that done by the weekend.It has been rainning so much we can't finish it now.
In the mean time I have been practicing on some doll heads.Finally I think I have the eyes going the way I want them.I just cut out a new doll and got it sewed up this morning.So hope to have her together tonight.
Here's a couple heads I have practiced on.One has eyes to small to high other is to big...
Well have to go make some lunch.The kids only had a half a day,and same tomorrow with that being their last day in school.Hope you have a great day God bless...........