I would like to thank you Grace for all your help. Grace from Little Black Crow Studios is so talented and has been so kind to help me with this I just can't thank her enough. It is doing alot better but to find out it mostly is my computer that is messing up. When I get it fixed I hope to get Grace to make me one of her blog templates. She does some of the most adorable temps dolls and paintings, and so reasonable too.
Here's a link to her ESTY site http://www.etsy.com/shop/littleblackcrow?utm_source=CraftCult&utm_medium=api&utm_campaign=api
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Can someone help ???? PlEASE
I am having such trouble with my blog I don't know if this will even post. I am not good at this computer stuff so makes it that much harder for me to figure it out.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Finally something to post
As you can see I took a little time off for the summer a little more then I planned, but finally things are caught up and dollies are showing up everywhere around here. I have a quite a mixture going on from prim to crows and soft sculptured babies. My first completely finished is an Angel named ARELLA meaning ANGEL in hebrew. I've had the fabric for a while I just loved it, and knew what ever doll I made had to be special. So thats how Arella was created....
Shes a large doll 33" tall and holding a resin pumpkin.She's perfect for the fall season, but can be used all year around. I hope to be putting her ebay tonight or tomorrow .....
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Just a peek not finished yet
Just a little peek for today. Froggies (no name yet) very shy not wanting me to take pics.She was trying to cover her face before I took the pic lol. I did talk her into just a few until we decided on her finishing touches. We are thinking of making her a little lighter shade, and have to finish up her details to her face. Also she needs her shoes.
Her sundress is removable and ties at the shoulders with little yellow ribbon bows.This pic doesn't do her justice at all.When she's finished I'll try taking more pics outside hopefully that will be better.She also wants a little hat or something else for on her head. Anyone have any ideas ????
This is my version of a Prims by Kim pattern. Thanks Kim for such a fun pattern !!!
Have a great day will be back soon with pics of my new dollie I started. Taking a little break from Froggie until we can agree on her details lol.....
Friday, June 17, 2011
Good Morning
Good morning,
I know it's been a while since my last posting, but thought I'd take a break and get some things done outside before it got to hot. That was a joke it got up in the high 90s-100 but had to finish what I started. Now it's been in the 70s and beautiful oh well I am done now and getting back to my dollies.
I know it's been a while since my last posting, but thought I'd take a break and get some things done outside before it got to hot. That was a joke it got up in the high 90s-100 but had to finish what I started. Now it's been in the 70s and beautiful oh well I am done now and getting back to my dollies.
Thought I'd show you my bunny and her strawberry candy bouquet. I loved doing her she's such a sweet looking bunny. The blue in her outfit is so pretty I wish I could find it in other designs too. I think I'll take her outside for more pics hopefully they will show up better. I hope to list her on ebay soon.
Did you ever buy fabric with no idea what you'd do with it ? I bought this a good while ago not having a clue what I'd make with it. Well I have a little lady I think it will be perfect for. If things go well I'll have some pics in a day or so.
Guess I better HOP off here (lol sorry just had to say that). I really want to get busy with my dolls and have lots to share with you.
Have a great day and many blessing (hugz)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Today the sun is shining so pretty makes me feel like working outside, but I have so many things started that I need to get finished before anything else. I finally have the pics of my bunny and her candy bouquet to show you.I would have liked to had her done for Mothers day, but with being sick I just did'nt have it in me then to get her ready.

I just love how she turned out the pic just doesn't do her justice thats for sure. My only problem with her is her name. She just isn't helping me with that at all. I don't know why I am having such a hard time naming her. I usually have a name come to me while the doll is being created, but not for her. So if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. I think I'll be putting her on ebay shortly after I get caught up on a few things I need to finish.
Here's a peek at one thing I am working on can you guess what it is ?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Today the sun is shining so pretty makes me feel like working outside, but I have so many things started that I need to get finished before anything else. I finally have the pics of my bunny and her candy bouquet to show you.I would have liked to had her done for Mothers day, but with being sick I just did'nt have it in me then to get her ready.

I just love how she turned out the pic just doesn't do her justice thats for sure. My only problem with her is her name. She just isn't helping me with that at all. I don't know why I am having such a hard time naming her. I usually have a name come to me while the doll is being created, but not for her. So if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. I think I'll be putting her on ebay shortly after I get caught up on a few things I need to finish.
Here's a peek at one thing I am working on can you guess what it is ?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Candy bouquet and starting to feel better
Just want to pop in for a minute and say hi.Things are slowly getting back to normal around here.My voice is coming back, and feeling some better. Today I think I am just going to take it easy and do some practicing on eyes. My favorite part of a dolls face is the eyes, and I am thinking of trying to do them a little different. That's what I love about the cloth dolls you can do just about anything you want with a few strokes of a brush or a few stitches. You can go from happy to sad, or young then old just about anything you want.
This is a pic of the candy bouquet my Bunny will be holding. Even when the candy is gone it will be just as pretty. That's about it for today going to rest for a while can't believe how tired I am.
Have a great day and I will be be back soon with more pics soon......God bless..........
This is a pic of the candy bouquet my Bunny will be holding. Even when the candy is gone it will be just as pretty. That's about it for today going to rest for a while can't believe how tired I am.
Have a great day and I will be be back soon with more pics soon......God bless..........
Friday, April 29, 2011
Pray for our neighbors and be careful of slight signs of colds
This has been an awful day. With all that's going on in the world and sickness here at home. My heart goes out to those in the south can't even imagine what they are feeling. I have a very special friend that lives where it all took place. I am so thankful I got to talk to her and her husband and everything was ok with them.Their electric is out because of trees falling on the power lines hopefully it will be on soon. I do worry about her she has breathing problems I know this has to be hard on her. They all need our prayers and anything else we can do for them.
Good Friday we had our son in the ER he had 2 ear infections and bronchitis. He had just a slight cough until the last day then it hit all at once. All week I was getting up about 3:30 am so clogged up in the chest I could hardly breathe.Then it would be ok until the next morning, but by Sunday (Easter) morning I was gasping for air my husband said you're going to the hospital. I didn't have a fever test didn't show any pneumonia, but they kept me for more test thinking maybe my heart. They did all kind of test and said a heart specialist would be in later that night. It was awful I just wanted to go home like a big baby I cried to go HOME I don't like hospital or doctors. Easter is one of my favorite holiest days of the year along with Christmas to be shared with our family get togethers.
About 9:30 pm the Dr. came in checked me over real good and went over the test. He said my heart was fine, but the new test showed pneumonia and 2 ear infections. He loaded me with prescriptions and instructions and let me go HOME. I am breathing better each day still a little hard talking,but getting better thank the LORD.
The main thing about all this is be careful especially with the children.If they have even a little cough or complain a little about an earache you better get them checked. My 16 mo old great grand baby went to the hospital also that weekend with 2 ear infections and pink eye. My sons friend at school also has ear infections so something is going around bad. Usually you get a cold or fevers and thing show up, but with this those things aren't showing up first. So please be careful !!!
I know I am starting to feel better because I am thinking about my dolls a little more, but not enough to do anything yet hopefully soon...
So please be careful ....God bless and pray for those that our suffering today..........
Monday, April 18, 2011
Adorable mohair critters to share to cute
I love blog hopping and seeing what everyones doing maybe a little to much lol. I also like to share things I like and think that you might too. Kim over at Prims by Kim http://primsbykim.blogspot.com/ has the cutesy mohair critters. These are just a few of her creations arn't they just adorable wow.She also has an adorable bear called Bosco in her Esty shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/primsbykim he's a real party animal too lol.So if you get a chance stop by I think you'll like them as much as I did when I first saw them. 

I can't belive it's been 6 days since I last posted. There just does'nt seem to be enough time in the day to get all the things done I want to do. I made the candy bouquet up then had to redo it. The weather changed so much that I figued it was'nt a good idea to use the chocolate candy for as hot as it's been. I took some pics today, but have to resize them before I put them on here. Nothing happens I'll have them tomorrow and my bunny too....Have a great evening ...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Things are coming along good and soon will be done the bunny and doll. It seems like I have been on these forever why I don't know. I've never had so much trouble getting things done as I have lately. Sometimes I felt like I was in reverse lol. I've made this the day to get these 2 dolls done. It's rainning out and I have some old western movies on netflix with a big pot of coffee. Now it don't get better then that even hubbys making supper.
Have all clothes made except her slip I forgot until I was dressing her.I love the shades of blue it is so pretty.I also redid the pattern a little so the clothes could be removed also the ruffles around the neck.No wonder it takes me so long I always seem to have to change something, but I think when we make something from patterns we always put a little of ourselves in to our projects.
Have everything gathered up for her candy bouquet I am making her to hold. I wanted to make something a little different to put in her arms.
Hopefully I'll have more pics of the finished dolls tomorrow if all goes the way I plan it, but you know how that goes lol.
Have to go now and get busy,but will be back tomorrow with more pics.Have a great days blessings !!!
Have all clothes made except her slip I forgot until I was dressing her.I love the shades of blue it is so pretty.I also redid the pattern a little so the clothes could be removed also the ruffles around the neck.No wonder it takes me so long I always seem to have to change something, but I think when we make something from patterns we always put a little of ourselves in to our projects.
Have everything gathered up for her candy bouquet I am making her to hold. I wanted to make something a little different to put in her arms.
Hopefully I'll have more pics of the finished dolls tomorrow if all goes the way I plan it, but you know how that goes lol.
Have to go now and get busy,but will be back tomorrow with more pics.Have a great days blessings !!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Doll bunny bread bowls and free doggie tut
Good Morning Everyone,
Well after days of sleet and rain it's suppose to be in the 80s. I am ready for spring and love seeing everything starting to bloom, but I am not ready for hot weather. I would love to just have a nice spring until it's time for summer temps, but that don't look like it's going to happen this year either.
This year I am really going to try and work thru the summer making my dolls and other critters for the fall and Christmas season. Every year I wait till it's closer to the holidays to get in the mood, but then I get overwhelmed and don't do hardly anything.
Well after days of sleet and rain it's suppose to be in the 80s. I am ready for spring and love seeing everything starting to bloom, but I am not ready for hot weather. I would love to just have a nice spring until it's time for summer temps, but that don't look like it's going to happen this year either.
This year I am really going to try and work thru the summer making my dolls and other critters for the fall and Christmas season. Every year I wait till it's closer to the holidays to get in the mood, but then I get overwhelmed and don't do hardly anything.
The doll I changed heads is finished I just have to do a little finishing touch to her hat she's looking great.I will be posting pics soon as I finish her up. I already started a bunny doll and love how she's coming along. Today I should be getting her clothes done can't wait to get her dressed.
These are the fabrics I picked for her.Sorry they don't show up as pretty as they really are I took them at night.The pattern I got from Kats Country Prims she has really nice patterns.
This is OT but thought I'd show you some bread bowls I made and they were so easy.The commercials always looked so good then I accidently came across the recipe and thought I'd try them, but wait till you see what they are mad of anything fast and easy I like lol.
You know the pillsbury rolls in the tube well these are made using the pillsbury french bread in the tube. Just remove it cut into 3 pieces and make them round. Bake for about 23 mins. Slice a thin piece off the top push the inside to the side then fill.Thats it and so easy and tasted great I filled mine with chili.
Only thing to do these you need more then just 1 tube of french bread so you can make more they are small. Mine are on saucers so you can see they are small.I knew they would'nt be enough for my family and they would need a bowl of chili on the side.I could'nt wait to get more at the market I wanted to try them right away. When I handed it to my husband he looked at me really funny and said whats this ? Lol
Ok I need to get sewing can't wait to show you my new creations. Have a great day !!!
I almost for got I wanted to share an adorable sock dog tut I found this morning it is so cute.This is from Create Studios by Sarah.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Good to be back and some pics
Sorry I hav'nt posted in a while, but been down with the flu. It just seemed to hang on so long, but I think the worest is over. It's awful when you think of all the things you want to be doing, but when you try doing them you just don't have the strength. I think this weather is helping too it's beautiful out and warm. My mind is so into spring and I have all these ideas of what I'd like to do.This is always a problem for me deciding on what to start with. I am thinking Easter bunnies, frogs, and dolls in pink and flowers. Sometimes I wander if anyone else has as much trouble as I do deciding on what to start with. One thing for sure I am going to start something today. Once I get started then everything else seems to fall in place.
Since I don't have any dolls to show you this time I'd like to show a couple pics of Tyson our furbaby lol.
Poor little guy hates baths, but he handles it pretty good. He makes me feel bad with those pitiful looks, but I know he'll feel much better when were done. Oh by the way that turkey hanging on the wall is going. I did'nt even notice that until I took the pic lol.
Here he is with his double cheeseburger no way anyones getting that off him lol after what he went thru. He stoled that from our sons bag when he got up to get a drink good thing he had more lol.
Ok time to get busy hope everyone has a great day. .....Blessing Diane
Since I don't have any dolls to show you this time I'd like to show a couple pics of Tyson our furbaby lol.
Poor little guy hates baths, but he handles it pretty good. He makes me feel bad with those pitiful looks, but I know he'll feel much better when were done. Oh by the way that turkey hanging on the wall is going. I did'nt even notice that until I took the pic lol.
Here he is with his double cheeseburger no way anyones getting that off him lol after what he went thru. He stoled that from our sons bag when he got up to get a drink good thing he had more lol.
Ok time to get busy hope everyone has a great day. .....Blessing Diane
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Not for the faint of heart and finally snow (pics)
I had made this doll a good while ago, but never finished her.I loved how she came out except for the head.Even after I started painting her features I didn't like her any better.So I just put her away until the other day when I was cleaning out my closet.I brought her out and sat her in the dolly chair where I put the doll I am working on.After looking at her for a while I thought if I could change the head I would like her a lot better,but since the head and body was one piece I'd have to cut off the head.Some will think this crazy,but some will understand it gave me a funny feeling in my stomach to do this.My husband was no help he was making remarks and getting a kick out of it when I told him how I hated to cut the doll.Like how can you cut that poor things head off, and so on just to give you an idea some of what he was saying.Husbands, well I was glad it brought a little fun into his day lol...
Once it was done and I made her a new round head I was glad I like her so much better...
Once it was done and I made her a new round head I was glad I like her so much better...
Now she has a new head and is in the painting stage.I have completely painted her body, and letting her dry.I'll post more pics as she's coming along, but I must say I really am happy with her new look....
We finally got some snow about 12", and it's beautiful.Everything looks so peaceful hardly anything is moving around here except the snowplows and my coffee pot lol.I am snuggled in with my coffee, patterns, and lots of fabric what more could I ask for lol.I thank God for a warm home and family to share it with.Well I better get moving so much to do....
Hope every ones having a wonderful day... Blessing Diane
Monday, January 17, 2011
Ready to start something new and some pics
It's such a relief now that I finally was able to get back into my doll room and get everything back in order well pretty much anyway.Over the holidays everything seemed to get shoved in there empty christmas boxes and everything else.It seems when things are all in a mess my brain is too.I have a hard time starting on anything until I get things organized.Now that my room and house are back in order my brain is going crazy to get started on some new ideas I have starting with valentines day.I am thinking of cupids,angels,or frogs maybe a cat.Have to give it a little more thought,but something will be going on today for sure.
I met the most wonderful lady on ebay.She won my angel doll Annalissa,and sent me the most wonderful letter.It is so good that she would take the time to let me know how much she liked her.Her sister loved the doll some much that she order one for her for Christmas.It is always a blessing to hear good things about something you have created. Well guess I better get moving can't wait to get started on something new.Have a great day Blessing Diane

Monday, January 3, 2011
Happy New Year a little late
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and a happy new year.Seems like it came and went to fast for me.We had a wonderful Christmas especially with family and friends.When the grands were small I usually had a Christmas eve party for them but, this year my granddaughter had the party at her home.When she was about 5 she was at my oldest daughters house and asked her if they were going to grandmas feast.Isn't it something how little ones think of things and what things mean to them. Now here she is hosting the party at her home.
The 2 little ones sitting closest to santa are her's and the other little one belongs to my oldest GD.Santa was my son in law he was perfect.We laughted so hard when we first saw him.He's pillows were kinda low and looked like he had dunlap diease real bad still makes me laugh thinking about it lol.

We took down and put away decorations yesterday except for the tree that we plan on doing this evening.I can't wait to get to my doll room and get it cleaned up so I can get back to crafting.It seems like everything got stuffed in there what a mess.There was a lot of things I did'nt get done again this year, but my DD and I are starting a new thing I found after christmas.This site has everything to help people like us http://christmas.organizedhome.com/
We are making us each a notebook and following it all thru the year.It has a lot of good ideas and pages to print off to make your own notebbok I think it will really help us.If you have the same problem you should check it out too.
Again hope you all have a happy new year and are truly blessed all thru this new year.....Blessings Diane
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